For Our Kids.
For Our Community.
For All of Us.
Voters in Mecklenburg County will be asked to approve a quarter-cent sales tax referendum that will provide additional funding for our parks, arts and education. This sales tax will amount to five cents per $20 you spend. It’s a small price to pay for a major investment in Mecklenburg County’s quality of life.

Para nuestros hijos.
Para nuestra comunidad.
Para todos nosotros.
A los votantes de Mecklenburg County se les dará la oportunidad de aprobar un referéndum para un impuesto de venta de un cuarto de centavo, lo cual se utilizará para proporcionar fondos adicionales a nuestros parques, a las artes, y a la educación.
Este impuesto constituirá cinco centavos de cada $20 gastados. Es un pequeño precio pagar por una inversion mayor en la calidad de vida de Mecklenburg County.

Frequently Asked Questions
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For ALL Of Us!
When you vote FOR on the November referendum, you’re voting for expanded parks and greenways; enhanced arts, science, and history programs; and to help our kids fulfill their potential. Check back throughout the campaign to hear the powerful personal stories of people who have benefited from parks, arts, and education and how we want to expand these opportunities to everyone!
Al votar “FOR” (a favor de) en el referéndum de noviembre, votará por la ampliación de nuestros parques y vías verdes; por mayor apoyo para programas de arte, ciencia, e historia; y para ayudar a nuestros hijos realizar su pleno potencial.
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The Mecklenburg County Sales & Use Tax Referendum
On Tuesday, July 02, 2019, by a 7-2 vote, the Mecklenburg County Commissioners authorized a quarter-cent sales tax referendum to be placed on the November 5th ballot. It is estimated that the quarter-cent sales tax will generate $50 million a year annually.
The proceeds from the quarter-cent sales and use tax will be allocated accordingly:

- $17 million or 34% to expand our parks & greenways
- $22.5 million or 45% for local arts, science, history and cultural programs
- $8 million or 16% for critical investments in our Charlotte Mecklenburg Public Schools
- $2.5 million or 05% to local towns across the county for their parks & arts programs
The additional monies will help the county expand parks, greenways and open spaces. The allocated monies for the arts, science, history and cultural programs will be used to eliminate barriers to participation and will enable programs to continue that work with underserved populations and neighborhoods.
The monies directed for CMS will be used to increase teacher salaries, add new teaching assistants and increase classroom support staff.
This is a transformational opportunity for the citizens of Mecklenburg County. This quarter-cent sales tax will improve our quality of life by expanding our parks and greenways; supporting community arts, science, and cultural programs and investing in our public-school system. Passing the referendum will enable Mecklenburg County to reach across our communities providing our citizens with better services and uplifting our quality of life – and allowing us to remain competitive when new businesses and industry are looking at locating in our county.
The quarter-cent sales tax will mean you pay 05 cents for every $20 dollars you spend. That’s a small price to pay to make a big difference in the lives our citizens. The current tax rate is 7.25 percent. A $20 bill purchase has $1.45 in sales tax. A quarter-of-a-cent tax increase would raise it to $1.50 in sales tax.